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Welcome to my portfolio website!

Hi everyone, I'm Web
Developer Full-stack

My passion is building a successful application in soon. I hope to join with you because it emphasizes deverlopment and design, two of my greatest skill sets.

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About me

Hello, I'm Chokpaisan Sripraiwan.
In my previous role, I played a pivotal role in successfully developing and deploying web applications, specializing in both Back-end and Front-end development.

On the Back-end, I have expertise in languages like Python, Java, Node.js, PHP, C# and have built solid foundations for applications. I excel in designing and implementing APIs to ensure seamless communication between Back-end and Front-end, while also managing databases such as MySQL, SQL Server, and Oracel.

For the Front-end, I'm proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript enabling me to create user-friendly interfaces with exceptional usability. I have utilized frameworks like React and Next.js to enhance data manipulation and user experiences.

I thrive on creating high-performance web applications and constantly seek new challenges to further develop my skills and knowledge.

Date of birth : 01 January 1996

Languages : Thai (Native), English (Good)

Hobbies : Hang Out, Cafe' Hopper, Games, Basketball, Spend time with family



Full-stack developer
Freelance, solo

POS, Coffee & Tea Shops

   The POS System for Coffee & Tea Shops is a customized solution designed to meet the specific needs of these businesses. The system is developed using PHP, a popular and versatile programming language. With this system, coffee and tea shops can efficiently manage their operations, saving time and increasing productivity.

Server notification system for notify server status via Line (Python)

   The Server Alert System through Line Application is a system that is used to alert the temperature of the server if it is in a critical stage. If a problem occurs, the system will send a message through the Line Application to notify the user and take immediate action.


Back-end developerSoftdebut Co.,Ltd. (Soft De'but Co.,Ltd.)

TOT Online System 2021

   A solution developed using .NET MVC and Kentico CMS simplifies telephone number management. It offers user-friendly interface, flexibility, security and reliability. Integration with other systems allows quick access to information, reducing errors and saving time.

National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission Meeting System

   The Meeting Management System allows for scheduling and managing meetings, as well as assigning chairpersons. It also provides a platform for sharing documents and notes, with the added functionality of annotating them. This system is developed using .NET Webform and Groupdocs Annotation for a streamlined and efficient solution to meeting management.

POS EatsHub food System

   The Restaurant Management System is developed using PHP to improve the API system, manage table reservations, stock, orders, promotions, discounts, calculate food costs, and generate reports. This system streamlines operations in the food industry and helps in managing the restaurant efficiently.

Equitable Education Fund System

   This system operates as a 3rd party responsible for managing the workflow of educational funding, determining the authority to approve requests, and providing an API for clients. Developed using .NET MVC and .NET Core, it incorporates the Entity Framework for data management and K2 Smartforms for form creation. The goal is to ensure fair and efficient distribution of educational funding

TV Direct Monitor Support (Monitor Server)

   Responsible for server maintenance and ensuring its smooth operation. This includes monitoring server performance, diagnosing and fixing issues, applying updates, and performing routine maintenance tasks to ensure the stability and security of the server. The Monitor Support team plays a critical role in ensuring the availability and reliability of the server.

Research React & Node.js Phone Book Project

   This web application is developed using React.js for the front-end and Node.js with Express for the back-end. The back-end serves as the API for connecting to the front-end, enabling simple and intuitive interactions with the system. The focus of the application is on basic record-keeping and management of telephone numbers, allowing users to add, delete, and edit records with ease. The use of React.js and Node.js with Express provides a scalable and robust platform for delivering the desired functionality

NT Online Payment 2022

   The NT Online Payment System is a .NET Webforms and Telerik-based application that allows users to check usage information, subscribe to packages or promotions, perform transactions such as recharging and transferring credit, and generate call usage reports. It also has an API system that enables mobile app integration for its various features and functionalities.


Full-stack developerAXONS (Cpf IT Center Co.,Ltd.)

Feed operation system

   We have developed and implemented a comprehensive system that calculates animal feed, displays ingredient data, and optimizes factory workflows globally.

Our system accurately determines the precise feed quantities needed for various animals, considering factors such as age, weight, and specific nutritional requirements. By minimizing feed errors, our system significantly improves the efficiency of animal farming.

Our solution has been successfully deployed in animal farming facilities, farms, and factories worldwide, earning the trust of clients seeking effective production control and top-notch management systems.




Holy redeemer school
High school

Mathematics - Science


Khon kaen University

Computer Science

   A web-based POS system for food restaurants is being developed using PHP. It includes modules for reservation, ordering, real-time order tracking, kitchen management, and reporting. Accessible via a web browser, the user-friendly interface improves customer experience and reduces staff workload. The comprehensive solution streamlines restaurant operations and enhances overall efficiency.

Hard Skills

Soft Skills

- Negotiation

- Relationship building

- Positive attitude

- Team work



Visual Studio Code















My sql

Sql server


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- UX/UI Designer course (Khon kaen University)

- Agile scrum course (Khon kaen University)

- Kentico cms course (Bangkok Softdebut Co.,Ltd.)

- K2 five course (Bangkok Softdebut Co.,Ltd.)

- Groupdocs Annotation (Bangkok Softdebut Co.,Ltd.)